She started her painting studies many years ago, being a quiet but insightful observer and an excellent reviewer in the studios of artists – Ireneusz and Jacek Maślankiewicz. This “silence”, after many, many years of saturation, suddenly exploded with an artistic message. “Exclusive Points” – is a huge series of over one hundred paintings created in 2012-2015 in which AGMA – an unusual and mysterious artist suddenly and really surprisingly revealed her fascinations. The starting point for the original depiction of emotions and the imposed – due to the internal arrangement – of closing them into geometric frames – was the art of the Aborigines.
However, only in the way of imaging. It is visible and obvious in her works. Only a point duplicated a thousand times and placed with an intuitive sense of geometric order is the common element here. This point duplicated by AGMA creates worlds full of references to the cosmic order and longing for the sources of the aesthetics of the universe. There is in us, human beings, the pursuit of penetrating mysteries, defining and defining – for the sake of inner peace. Seeing the seemingly chaotic infinity, we distinguish from it “concrete” – the point of attachment to “understanding”. Painting does not need to be understood, human empathy and non-verbal understanding are enough for the artist’s dialogue with the viewer. The works of AGMA are at the heart of this process.
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