Joanna Czubak, born in Warsaw in 1984. Graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź – diploma with honors under the supervision of prof. Andrzej M. Bartczak and the post-secondary studio of photography, Studio Sztuki in Warsaw (also awarded). Additionally, in 2016, she completed the Postgraduate Pedagogical Study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He practices graphic arts, painting, batik, creates glass mosaics, and makes wooden toys. She worked, among others in the painting shop of the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw, the art studio of the Guliwer Theater, the mosaic art studio “Mozaiki M”, she was an apprentice in the stained glass studio “Spirowitraże” in Otwock. For many years associated with the Municipal Cultural Center in Wiązowna, where she initially conducted art classes for children, later also drawing and painting for teenagers and adults, batik, and Atelier Foksal. Participant of several dozen collective exhibitions and the author of several individual exhibitions. Works in private collections in Poland and abroad (including with Shirley Watts).
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